Deworming your horse is easier when you can choose the delivery method that works best for you and your horse. Safe-Guard (fenbendazole) is the only horse dewormer on the market today that comes in so many forms and sizes, yet is effective against most common intestinal parasites of the horse.
Fenbendazole, the active ingredient in all Safe-Guard products, is safe for deworming horses, including foals and pregnant mares and is very effective against the typical adult equine parasites (i.e. roundworms, pinworms, large strongyles (e.g., Strongylus vulgaris, S. edentatus, S. equinus) and small strongyles (L5)).
When used in a larvicidal dose, Safe-Guard Power-Dose, fenbendazole is effective against all stages of the encysted small strongyle, and against ascarids (roundworms) that may be resistant to other classes of dewormers.

Safe-Guard Products For Horses